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Asphalt Manufacturing Facility

20 Commerce Way

Westford, MA  01886

Plant Scale House Ph   978.399.0002

Plant Scale House Fax  978.399.0009

Asphalt Plant Hours of Operation

M-F  6:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sat   7:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Extended M-Sat hours available by appointment only

No trucks allowed to enter on to property prior to 6:00 AM M-F, and 7:00 AM on Saturday.        No stacking in driveway.  NO right hand turns allowed when exiting property.  Only left turns out.  When entering, right hand turns into property only.  12' 6" total truck height maximum.  Strictly enforced.


Quarry - Aggregates Sales

99 Ledge Road

Westford, MA  01886

Quarry Scale Ph 978.251.0300

Quarry / Aggregates Hours of Operation

M-F  7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sat   7:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Ledge Road is home to our residential neighbors, so please use extra caution while driving, and adhere to posted speed limits.  

Main Office - Finance - Mailings

145 Temple Street

Nashua, NH  03060

Main Office Ph  603.882.1700

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