Newport Bituminous offers various mix designs and products for our customers. We have assembled a team of asphalt manufacturing experts, who have experience in all facets of the industry - from the production and operations team, to our management, to our testing and formula team in our on site lab - you can feel a sense of comfort that you are getting a superb product from us regardless of the type of job you are doing.
As of the 2021 season, Newport Bituminous' asphalt and mix designs are officially MassDOT approved, as well as numerous cities and towns.
Not all asphalt is created equally. The same exact mix design can yield differing results, based on the quality and characteristics of the raw materials used. Newport controls this and provides a superior product due to the fact that we manufacture and supply our own stone, sand, and RAP - to ensure the highest quality product for our customers.
For more information and to see how our facility can benefit your company, give us a call at 833.997.9700

Drivers entering the site, please follow the posted signage - which will direct you to where you need to go for the product you are picking up / dropping off.
If you are picking up mix, the signs will lead you to a call box, where our control house will communicate with you, and direct you to the appropriate lane/silo.
Please listen for load out instructions once under the appropriate silo.
Once loaded, as you exit the silo structure, there is a ticketing booth and pneumatic tube, where items will transport from your truck, to the control/scale house, and vice versa. All transactions will occur at this point.
For any questions, please tune to the proper internal radio channel, as posted on site.
At Our Core
We are paving guys
Long hours behind the paver, scraping the hardened mix from your rake or loot, blocked nozzles on the roller picking up behind you, last minute scheduling changes -- we know it because we do it.
What this means for you, is you are working with an asphalt supplier that gets it. The asphalt Newport sells to our customers, is the same asphalt that we work with ourselves on a daily basis -- whether we are doing a parking lot, highway, or road.
We know what you expect when a load arrives to your job site, because we expect that same level of quality and service.
We are locally owned and operated, and to us, you are not a number -- you are a partner.

As part of our permitting approval process, Newport proudly committed to, and has instituted BACT (Best Available Control Technology) into our brand new, custom built facility. Our site houses a plethora of safety features unique to our site - such as our asphalt load out area being completely enclosed by a cutting edge blue smoke building. In fact, our permit was touted as the cleanest to be issued in the State of Massachusetts - and has become the standard bearer in the region.
All trucks must turn left when exiting our property. Local deliveries must be communicated to the company prior to loading, so that it can be documented, arrangements can be made, and drivers can be given special documentation.
Additionally, due to traffic flow and entrance alignment, no left hand turns into the property. Due to Town rules, no trucks are allowed to enter on to the property prior to opening time. Also, no stacking in the driveway.
on site
When entering the property to pick up asphalt, please read and follow the posted signage. You will be directed to a call box, where the control house will direct you to the appropriate lane and silo. Internal radio channels will be posted inside the site. All trucks will be sprayed down with a solution prior to loading. Use of diesel fuel is strictly prohibited.
If you are delivering materials, the signage will direct you to the specifically designated area for the particular product you have.
driving etIQUETTE
All drivers are required to obey the posted speed limits and road signage both inside Newport Materials, as well as on our neighboring roadways, at and around the asphalt plant, as well as the quarry side. Use of jake brakes and gate snapping is not allowed.
Additionally, all trucks must have working covers, and all loads must be covered immediately after leaving the silos. There will be no exceptions.